Special thanks to the...
- The Madrid Film Commission
- The Bayerische Verwaltung der staatlichen Schlösser,
Garten und Seen, Munich, Germany
- Commission du Film d’lle-de-France/Paris
ChacMool Spanish Language School, Cuernavaca, Mexico
- The Madrid Film Commission
- The Bayerische Verwaltung der staatlichen Schlösser,
Garten und Seen, Munich, Germany
- Commission du Film d’lle-de-France/Paris
ChacMool Spanish Language School, Cuernavaca, Mexico
- SheriAnn Simpson, Ph.D., Creator and Author
- Prof. Sue Pechter, M.A., Author and Senior Editor
- Maggie Broderick, Ph.D., FLES Expert,
Co-Author, German
- Christiane Küchler Williams, Ph.D., Co-Author
and German Editor
- Prof. Stella V. Radulescu, Ph.D., Co-Author, French
- Prof. Elena Lanza, Co-Author, Spanish
- Luz L. Cannon, M.A., Co-Author, Spanish
- Kate D'Appolonia, M.A., Italian Language Editor
and Teacher K-8th
- Anne-Marie Dall'Agata, M.A., French
Editor and French Teacher
- Elvira Bianco, Italian Language Consultant and
- Kerstin Ansaloni, Italian Language Consultant
- Adina Cucicov, Web Editor
- Marylene Aubin, French Editor
- Web Maintenance and Programming, Matekk
- Flash Activities and Games, Csharks
- Joshua Webb, Web Designer
- Frank Frisari, Artist and Illustrator, Web site
- Antonia Webb, Illustrator, Web site vocabulary
- Prof. Sue Pechter, M.A., Author and Senior Editor
- Maggie Broderick, Ph.D., FLES Expert,
Co-Author, German
- Christiane Küchler Williams, Ph.D., Co-Author
and German Editor
- Prof. Stella V. Radulescu, Ph.D., Co-Author, French
- Prof. Elena Lanza, Co-Author, Spanish
- Luz L. Cannon, M.A., Co-Author, Spanish
- Kate D'Appolonia, M.A., Italian Language Editor
and Teacher K-8th
- Anne-Marie Dall'Agata, M.A., French
Editor and French Teacher
- Elvira Bianco, Italian Language Consultant and
- Kerstin Ansaloni, Italian Language Consultant
- Adina Cucicov, Web Editor
- Marylene Aubin, French Editor
- Web Maintenance and Programming, Matekk
- Flash Activities and Games, Csharks
- Joshua Webb, Web Designer
- Frank Frisari, Artist and Illustrator, Web site
- Antonia Webb, Illustrator, Web site vocabulary
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