College Authors and Editors
Prof. Elena Lanza, Northwestern University
Prof. Florencia Giglio Henshaw Ph.D., University of Illinois
Karen Barkauskas-Goering, Ph. D. candidate, University of Iowa
Prof. Sue Pechter, Northwestern University (Sr. Editor)
Prof. Tasha Seago-Ramaly, Northwestern University
Prof. Lilian L. Cano, M.A., University of Texas, San Antonio (Heritage Learners)
Nélida Aubeneau, Lecturer, Purdue University, IN.
High School Authors and Editors
Arturo Flores, Laguna Blanca School, Santa Barbara, CA
Oscar González, Concordia Lutheran High School, Omaha NE
Dominique Navarro, Parkways Schools, MO
Jess Verweyst, Parkway Schools, MO (Sr. Editor)
Autumn Yates, The Langley School, VA
SheriAnn Simpson, Ph.D., formerly Northwestern University & Assoc. Professor, Rivier University
Tony Paez, M.B.A.
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